Sunday, May 17, 2009
Decision To Sack Him A Cowardly Act, Says Murugiah
For one, Murugiah said the decision made by the party's disciplinary board yesterday had denied the party members the right to decide on the party leadership.
"To me, I'm not expelled and still a PPP (supreme council) member. Yesterday's meeting was illegal. They (disciplinary board members) were not elected by the party, they are Kayveas' cronies.
"If he dares, ask him to call for an election. Don't be a coward. I dare him to face me," he told reporters after opening a seminar on small business, agro-business and franchise, here, today.
He also described his sacking as Kayveas' dictatorial act which had not only tarnished the party's image, but would also cause problems to Barisan Nasional (BN), which should not happen especially in the current political situation faced by BN.
Hence, Murugiah urged BN to temporarily suspend Kayveas from its Supreme Council meeting until the domestic issues in PPP had been resolved.
The two-hour meeting attended by 39 PPP disciplinary board members yesterday made the decision on the ground that Murugiah had used his Deputy Minister's office in the Prime Minister's Department to hold a press conference which tarnished the good name of the party and making defamatory remarks against the party, its Supreme Council and party leadership.
The board also said that Murugiah had threatened the party's lawyer and a supreme council member that he would use all his power to get PPP deregistered.
Murugiah said he would personally go to the Registrar of Society tomorrow to seek verification on the status of the party.
"The party's financial statement had never been tabled at the party's annual general assembly. There must be something wrong," he said.
On the allegation that he was involved in money politics, Murugiah said the allegation was baseless.
He said he was only a Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of the Public Complaints Bureau, Public Service Commission and Education Commission and so did not have the money to give away nor the power to give projects to anyone.
Asked whether he was being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Murugiah said: "They (MACC) did come to my office recently, but only to check on a few documents, nothing else."
Meanwhile, Murugiah also said that he was contacted by an important individual in MIC inviting him to join the party.
"I thank MIC for seeing me as a potential leader," he said, adding that he had not decided on the matter.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Meningitis: 46 Treated At Hospital Melaka
The Director-General of Health, Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican, said of the total, two cases were being treated at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ward and they were expected to be taken out of the ICU ward tomorrow while the remaining 44 cases were being treated at the Isolation Ward.
"The 44 cases placed in the Isolation Ward comprise 39 trainees, one trainer, a woman who had contacted one of the trainees, two trainee radiographer and a trainee nurse," he said in a statement, here, Wednesday.
In the incident on May 4, a trainee of the RTD Academy died while on the way to the Melaka Hospital while three were admitted to the ICU and the remaining 85 had to be quarantined due to the meningitis outbreak.
He said a medical team was still being placed fulltime at the academy to monitor a total of 81 trainees.
"All the trainees and their contacts who are being treated are said to be recuperating and as we have said earlier, preventive and control measures will be continued until all the cases have fully recovered," he said.
Mohd Ismail said the meningococcal meningitis infection was caused by the Neisseria meningitides bacteria which were only carried by humans and were not similar to the Nipah encephalitis or Influenza A (H1N1) infection.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Perak Crisis, Court of Appeal 12th May 2009
KUALA LUMPUR, May 12 (Bernama) -- Police are asking all quarters, especially political parties, to remain calm following the Court of Appeal's decision on the post of Menteri Besar of Perak.
Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said the public were also advised not to be carried away or influenced by SMS texts being circulated to threaten public order.
"The public are also reminded to respect the court's decision, which means allowing the judicial system to prevail in this beloved country," he said in a statement, here, today.
The Court of Appeal earlier today granted Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir's application for a stay of execution on the High Court's ruling yesterday that declared Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin as the legitimate menteri besar.
Hence, Zambry will remain as Perak Menteri Besar until the Court of Appeal disposes of his appeal.
My view:
They are fighting for power. It is not just that simple, there is something else going on underneath. There are land issues..., power greed......., There are naked truth of racial issues.. about pushing boulders down the hill... How are we as voters suppose to react. But the way they gear up this issue, and enticing people to go on streets, and lets say both quarters allow themselves to do just that.... It is going to be a real head on clash! Politicians against politicians and people against people. Just imagine kampung folks march to the town copying the game of politicians. Just imagine Kampung Deralik and Sungai Wangi folks march towards Ayer Tawar town. Just imagine. Arent we all silly.., real silly, including me.
So Dato Sagor and Maharajalela fought for nothin!! It didnt tickle minds!! I dont wish to talk and mention Nizar for now because it is not in tandem with lessons learnt from history. If he cant count blessing, he can always count something else.
Monday, May 11, 2009
High Court ruling on Nizar, 11th May 2009
Nizar is the rightful Perak MB
With the decision, the question of who is the rightful Menteri Besar -- Nizar or Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir -- which has plunged the state into political turmoil for more than 100 days, was finally answered.
High Court (Appellate and Special Powers Division) judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim ruled that Nizar did not vacate the office of Menteri Besar as he had not lost the majority confidence of the state legislative assembly.
In this case, said Abdul Aziz, there was no vote of no confidence issued against Nizar.
"How can one say that the applicant (Nizar) had lost his majority confidence under Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution?"
"Based on the democratic practice, the issue of the loss of majority confidence should only be taken by a vote of no confidence against the applicant (Nizar), only by this manner can a Menteri Besar be removed," Abdul Aziz, said in his written judgment which was delivered at 2.30pm.
On Feb 13, Nizar, 52, filed an application to the court for a declaration that he is at all material times the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak.
Nizar, who was appointed Menteri Besar on March 17 last year after the opposition alliance won 31 seats at the 12th general elections, also sought a declaration that Zambry has no right to hold the office of Menteri Besar.
Abdul Aziz, in his judgment, said that a Menteri Besar could not be dismissed by the Sultan of Perak for the reason that he did not hold the office at the sultan's pleasure.
The dismissal of the Menteri Besar by the Sultan of Perak was never contemplated by Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution, he added.
BN will appeal against Nizar's Court Ruling
Barisan Nasional will appeal against the Kuala Lumpur High Court's decision that Datuk Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is the rightful Perak menteri besar, probably by tomorrow, said Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today.
Asked what happens in Perak between now and pending the appeal, Najib said: "We must have a date (to appeal), probably tomorrow,".
He called on the people in that state to remain calm and not get too excited with the latest development.
Najib was asked to comment on the Kuala Lumpur High Court decision today declaring that BN's Datuk Zambry Abd Kadir was not the legitimate menteri besar of Perak.
Asked whether he would be meeting Sultan of Perak soon, the prime minister said he had no problem meeting the sultan.
In today's rulling, the High Court also rejected the application for a stay of proceedings pending an appeal and ordered Dr Zambry and his exco members to vacate the office as soon as possible. - BERNAMA
It's a victory for the people - Nizar
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin has described the High Court ruling, that he is the rightful Perak Menteri Besar, as a "victory for the people of Perak and those who love democracy."
A jubilant Mohammad Nizar said he would rush back to Ipoh to seek an audience with the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, to get his consent for the dissolution of the state legislative assembly as soon as possible.
On the judgment by Justice Datuk Abdul Aziz Abd Rahman, Mohammad Nizar said it was a historic decision and one that would be remembered "for years and years to come."
"Its positive impact in revitalising parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy is tremendous," Mohammad Nizar said.
He said that it had been a painful four months for him and that he felt relieved that issue was finally over, even though the respondents would be appealing against the decision. Bernama
My view:
A rough road ahead and horizon not as clear
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Not easy for Sivakumar and Nizar
Photos: the star

[This photo must be viewed with real caution, because I sensed a little bit of egocentrism being flared up. Too bad, the message is about a couple of chinese guys sending of a malay guy. And he looked very bitter!.. Do you see that? Will it flare up later? ]

My view:
3. I am sorry. I have been looking at the photos above, and I cant refrain myself from analysing them on racial lines, because it is too obvious. To Nizar, lets go home and do some real thinking. And to Anwar whereever he is, are you still adamant about being the next PM on ashes? To Hadi and Husam, is pegging your pursuit on Pakatan worth it?
5. And the last point, not too important, but it suits my rural , backward and aboriginal thinking, if thats their game in there, then out here, a similar egocentric game can still happen as a repercurssion. When that happen it spares no soul.
A House in tatters
the star
It was one wild political circus at the Perak legislative meeting and the ensuing fiasco suggested that the acrimony between the two sides has reached a point of no return.
THE calm outside the Perak Legislative Assembly was a surreal contrast to the heightened political temperature inside the House.
The police had gone about in such a no-nonsense way to bar people from gathering in the area that one could have lain down in the middle of the road and not be run over by traffic.
Inside the grand building, pandemonium was the order of the day and no one, not even the fact that there were supposedly two Spea-kers in the House, could bring order to the proceedings.
It was one wild political circus from the word go.
In fact, what happened bordered on anarchy and it is difficult to visualise things returning to normal anytime soon.
The acrimony between the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat reached a point of no return yesterday.
“I don’t even want to speculate what will happen from here because people are no longer using their heads. It is all emotion that I am seeing, the law is being put aside,” said a source close to the palace.
The Barisan Nasional managed to push through its agenda yesterday, that is, to convene a new Legislative Assembly session, replace the Speaker and appoint three new House committees.
But it was not without costs and the embarrassing melee that ensued is something which Perak will not be able to live down for a long while.
Pakatan was bent on rejecting the fact that the Barisan holds the majority in the assembly and control of the government.
Barisan, on the other hand, was determined to cement its control of the House by installing a new Speaker even to the extent of forcibly removing V. Sivakumar from the chair.
“I thought things like this only happened in other countries,” said one former assemblyman from Perak.
One side is focused on forcing a snap state election, the other sees nothing wrong in carrying on till the general election.
Both sides are supremely convinced they command the moral high ground and no one is budging.
The Yang Berhormats demonstrated some astonishing behaviour that was more akin to lawbreakers than lawmakers. There was a lot of shouting, shoving, climbing atop tables, ringgit notes torn up and even a few punches thrown.
One assemblyman, caught in one of the scrapes, lost two buttons from his outfit, exposing his hairy tummy.
This will probably be the last time Malaysians would dare make fun of Taiwanese legislators.
And as some cynics claimed, there was “no sitting yesterday because the assemblymen were standing up” most of the time, trying to shout down each other and pressing on with their side of the agenda regardless of others.
For months, the joke had been about Perak having two Mentris Besar and two governments.
Yesterday, it really did seem as though there were two of each and, for several hours, there were even two Speakers.
The media had a field day although some of them did not know whether to laugh or cry at what was happening before their eyes.
The arithmetic does not favour Pakatan. The numbers are with Barisan but a government should not have to function surrounded by hundreds of security personnel.
The police could be put to better use given all those headlines of tragic snatch thefts in the last few days. They should not be monopolised to safeguard the very people who are elected to serve the people.
The Raja Muda got to deliver his royal address only at about 3.30pm, after Sivakumar had been physically taken out of the House and the new Speaker had taken his place.
The heir to the Perak throne looked regal and composed even after waiting since morning to make his royal address. He made no references at all to what had happened but he must surely be as troubled as everyone else.
His half-hour speech was the only time when there was decorum in the House because the angry exchanges between the two sides re-erupted after he left.
The ill-will between the rival camps was palpable and the House adjourned shortly after on a sour and uneasy note.
“There was no happy ending today,” said an aide to the Mentri Besar.
It was a day of records for Perak but not the sort of records to be proud of.
Yesterday saw not only the Speaker being replaced. Even the Speaker’s ornamental chair had to be replaced because it was damaged during the scuffle.
The damaged chair seemed like a metaphor for the Perak Legislative Assembly.
The reputation of the House has suffered a terrible blow after what happened. But, unlike a damaged chair, it cannot be repaired overnight.
‘Datuk Syabu’ nabbed in RM254.3m bust
KUANTAN: The country’s biggest-ever syabu bust, with the drugs valued at RM254.3mil, by Pahang’s rank-and-file policemen took place by chance.
Subsequent follow-up operations saw the police detaining a 30-year-old ‘Datuk’ in Taman Bukit Kempas, Johor, on Wednesday and froze assets amounting to RM2.6mil belonging to four suspects.
Police have launched a manhunt for an accomplice, known as Lim Han Choo @ Ah Chiau, who was believed to have escaped after spraying pepper on the eyes of two police personnel during the first raid at about 6.45am on Saturday.
Bukit Aman deputy director of narcotics Deputy Comm Datuk Othman Harun said the success was a result of the alertness of the rank-and-file personnel.
“A policeman from the Cenderawasih station in Rompin had just completed a routine roadblock operation at the Kuantan-Segamat road when he spotted a lorry parked by the roadside.
“Sensing something amiss, he alighted with his colleagues from their vehicle to inspect the lorry bearing a Johor number plate. There were two persons inside.
“While directing them to open the cargo for inspection, one of the men suddenly sprayed pepper on the policemen before fleeing into a nearby oil palm estate,” he told a press conference. Also present were Pahang CPO Deputy Comm Datuk Robiah Abdul Ghani and state anti-narcotics chief Supt Yap Toon Khuan.
DCP Othman said police gave chase and managed to arrest one of them, who was the driver of the lorry.
He said checks showed the cargo contained 480 packets of crystalline and powdery substances, weighing 978kg, believed to be the synthetic drug syabu.
“We also seized 80 plastic containers used to hide the drugs, wrapped in black plastic bags.
“A follow-up operation saw police picking up two other suspects in a four-wheel-drive vehicle,” he said, adding that one of them was the elder brother of the driver who was detained earlier.
DCP Othman said a constable who arrested the two men was even offered RM10,000 initially, before they tried to tempt him with RM500,000 to secure their release.
He said initial investigations revealed the syndicate members had international links and had smuggled in the drugs via the South China Sea.
“We believe the supply came from a neighbouring country and the consignment was to be delivered to Johor for repackaging and distribution.”
The four suspects have been remanded to assist in investigations under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act, which carries the mandatory death penalty upon conviction.
In Taiping, RASLAN BAHAROM reports that police busted a mini-laboratory producing ecstasy pills and syabu at a house in Taman Simpang Setia, Simpang.
Taiping OCPD Asst Comm Raja Musa Raja Razak said a total of 3.2kg of the drugs, with a street value of about RM272,000 were seized during the 1.30am raid on Thursday.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Hee claims she has power to allow Ganesan's appointment
Perak Assembly Deputy Speaker Hee Yit Foong said she has the power to takeover the running of the assembly session as specified under Article 36A (1) (b) of the Perak State Constitution.
"No doubt the Speaker (Sivakumar) has the power but as the Deputy Speaker, I can takeover when he is not capable of convening the session," she told a press conference here today.
Hee (Independent-Jelapang) said it was normal to appoint a new Speaker when the existing Speaker has lost the confidence of a majority of state assemblymen.
"The opposition can name a candidate as the new Speaker. This is the democratic process in Malaysia."
"I would have picked up the money and give it to the needy. Being a stingy person, he was just showing off and will never drop the RM50 note," she said. - BERNAMA