And today, the government tabled Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Identification Bill 2008 at the Dewan Rakyat for its first reading. Syed Hamid Albar said the bill has nothing to do with the ongoing court case involving the candidate of PKR for Permatang Pauh by election to be held 26th August 2008. According to him, the government has been working on the bill since year 2001.
Arif Shah is determined to infiltrate into enemy's battlefield, and while others are talking about other issues, he chooses to focus on local issues. He was seen paddling the knee high flood to talk to local folks.
On a more international level, Gus Dur was reported saying Anwar is the fighter for democracy not only in South East Asia but also in the islamic world. He also said that Saiful's swearing on Quran as "unislamic". Observers note that Anwar may just qualify to be very islamic because of his association with ABIM before being taken in UMNO during Mahathir's premiership. For Gus Dur short tenure as President, he was best remembered by critics as "sleeping" president.
Going back to that famous photo of Anwar with two Americans, lets look at the aftermath of Korean War(1950-1953) in which America took part and tomorrow lets see Vietnam as the greatest bloodshed ever. These are asian countries not too far from Permatang Pauh, where the battle now is hot with Premiership as the trophy.

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