Monday, March 31, 2008
Idris Jusoh and Ahmad Said

FITNA: Zahid Hamidi Urges Muslim Youths To Condemn Anti-quran Film
Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said that since they were Internet savvy, they should now show their indignation against the film through the medium.
"They should take advantage of their resourcefulness and skills which they had used against the establishment, this time to defend Islam," he told reporters after opening the National Fatwa Council meeting here today.
BERITADARIGUNUNG: Zahid, i do agree with you and of course every avenue should be sought not necessarily to condemn, but to give a true perspective especially to the young ones.
please refer:-
LiveLeak Reposts Fitna
1 hour ago by bikermailman
On the 28th of March LiveLeak.com was left with no other choice but to remove the film “fitna” from our servers following serious threats to our staff and their families. Since that time we have worked constantly on upgrading all ...
The Mailman's Bag - http://mailmansbag.wordpress.com
30 Mar 2008 by Haris Ibrahim
Malaysiakini’s ‘Mahathir : Muslims ‘annoyed’ by dutch film’ reproduces an AFP report that quotes Dr M saying : “We are very annoyed about this video. This is the result of misunderstanding of Islam, and of course there is some political ...
The People's Parliament - http://harismibrahim.wordpress.com
Watch FITNA And Decide For Yourself
5 hours ago by KHER CHENG GUAN
I was suggesting in jest to boycott all Dutch products in protest of the 10 minute mish-mash clips put together entitled "FITNA". But surprisingly, true enough, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad actually called upon Muslims worldwide to boycott ...
Malaysian Cartoons & Quirkies - http://malaysian-humor.blogspot.com/
8 hours ago by Omar Barsawad
'Fitna' is the way the World's resources are now being raped and wasted to serve the World's living few; 'fitna' is to know that food resources are being used to create gas while millions go starving around the World; 'fitna' is when ...
Moments In Words From Hadhramout - http://hadhramouts.blogspot.com/
Fitna - The irresponsible movie
7 hours ago by Akin Akintayo
My view of Geert Wilders intemperate and irresponsible film about Islam. Leave Comment. Related Entries:. YouTube versus Islam - Between discernment and ignorance; President overrules Mohammed; Qataris not flying by the seat of their ...
Akin about things too concerning to ignore - http://akin.blog-city.com/
hours ago by Poison Pero
Sadly, I bet most of you are unfamiliar with the short movie "Fitna," produced by Dutch politician Geert Wilders......Needless to say, Mr. Wilders is catching a ton of shit over this movie, and will surely be the lucky recipient of a ...
The Right is Right - http://therightisright.blogspot.com/
Ismail Yusanto : Film Fitna Serangan Terhadap Islam
12 hours ago by masayok
Film Fitna besutan Geert Wildert Pemimpin Freedom Party Belanda meskipun sebelumnya dikecam banyak pihak tetap dirilis di sebuah situs internet. Film ini berisi penghinaan terhadap Islam, . Wilder menggambarkan Al Qur’an adalah buku ...
Be a good Moeslim - http://ayok.wordpress.com
BLOG UPDATES: on razaleigh, 30th mac 2008
40 minutes ago by Romantic Day Dreamer Among the others is Razaleigh, who has openly declared he will try to challenge Abdullah. "I have never been for the ruling. But what to do? It was introduced by Dr. Mahathir himself. When I criticize the decision, everyone says I am ... DuN FeeL SaD DuN FeeL BLue FRaNKeNSTeiN WaS uGLy 2 - http://misschickenkiller.blogspot.com/ [ More results from DuN FeeL SaD DuN FeeL BLue FRaNKeNSTeiN WaS uGLy 2 ] |
1 hour ago by yiemega Ucapan YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah Part 1. Ucapan YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah Part 2. Ucapan YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah Part 3. Gerbang Tempur Politik Maya Malaysia - http://gtpm-malaysia.blogspot.com/ |
19 hours ago (Bernama) KOTA BAHARU, March 30 -- Gua Musang Member of Parliament Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah reiterated his call for Umno to hold an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to discusss the results of the March 8 general election saying it was ... kero's Site - http://kerowak.multiply.com/ |
21 hours ago by James Wong Wing-On From 1986 to 1996, Tengku Razaleigh was the chief opponent to Dr. Mahathir but now the latter has publicly declared his support for the former to challenge PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's Umno presidency. Tengku Razaleigh's loyalists from ... CLARE STREET - http://jameswongwingon-online.blogspot.com/ |
23 hours ago by Adely
"It was not difficult for me to garner that support then and I welcomed those who wanted to challenge me even Razaleigh (Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) and even someone who is now Prime Minister (Abdullah). "I never gave out instructions that ...
the complete idiot's guide to - http://understandingmalaysia.blogspot.com/
Umno to hear all sides, says Najib
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno will hear the views of its members relating to the proposal to abolish the nomination quota to contest top posts in the party.
Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak who was non-committal on the issue said there were pros and cons to the system.
"I am studying the matter. I see that there are different views on the matter. Therefore, let us study first the effects of the system that has been implemented and the views of party members whether to review it," he told reporters Monday after the launch of Dayang Enteprise Holdings Bhd prospectus for its upcoming listing on Bursa Malaysia here.
However, he said it would be left to the Umno supreme council to make the final decision on the matter.
Najib was asked to comment on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's proposal on Saturday to abolish the nomination quota system.
The former Prime Minister had said it should be abolished as it was being abused to prevent members from nominating candidates.
Under the party constitution, a candidate needs 30% nomination from the 191 divisions (57 nominations) to be eligible to contest the president's post, 20% (38 nominations) for deputy president, 10% (19 nominations) for vice-president and 5% for supreme council seats.
Najib, who is Deputy Prime Minister, said the system was not meant to hamper democracy in the party.
"We have to go back to the original objective when the system was introduced. There is no commitment to abolish it. We have to listen to the views of the party members first."
He said the system was originally introduced to ensure only serious candidates contested the important posts not those who merely wanted to oppose the party leadership.
Asked about his personal view, he said: "My personal view is not important at this stage."
The proposal has received support from party vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. However, Umno Information Chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib objected to it saying that removing the quota system would mean that anyone could contest, even if the majority of the party members did not support the candidate.
On whether talk that allowing the top two posts to be challenged would mean that people would know the strength of the president and his deputy, he said: "Whether there is a challenge or not depends on party members. If there is a challenge, they have to abide by the party constitution." - the star online
BERITADARIGUNUNG: a very nice comment from Najib. He knows all along the game plan as number two.
Muhyiddin tegur Zaid
BANGI 30 Mac – Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Senator Datuk Zaid Ibrahim tidak sepatutnya membuat kenyataan terbuka mengenai penubuhan suruhanjaya kehakiman kerana perkara itu belum dibincangkan di peringkat Kabinet.
Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata, sebagai menteri, sudah sewajarnya Zaid mendapat panduan ketika mesyuarat Kabinet minggu lalu yang memutuskan supaya dibezakan antara pendapat peribadi dan pandangan rasmi.
Beliau bimbang imej dan maruah kerajaan akan terjejas sekiranya seseorang menteri terus-terusan membuat kenyataan peribadi berhubung perkara penting seperti itu tetapi kemudiannya Kabinet tidak bersetuju, yang akhirnya menyebabkan rakyat menuduh kerajaan berpatah balik.
‘‘Saya tidak hendak komen panjang, saya tak nak nanti (timbul) konflik, orang kata apa ini menteri Kabinet bercanggah.
‘‘Anggap pandangan saya ini sebagai Naib Presiden UMNO supaya hal-hal yang penting seperti ini elok dibincang dahulu dan jangan seolah-olah pandangan peribadi sudah jadi pandangan rasmi kerajaan,’’ ujarnya.
Beliau bercakap kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Sukan Antara Agensi MITI 2008 di sini hari ini.
Muhyiddin mengulas kenyataan Zaid dalam wawancara khas dengan Mingguan Malaysia semalam bahawa pelantikan pengganti Ketua Hakim Negara, Datuk Abdul Hamid Mohamad yang akan tamat tempohnya Oktober ini diharap dapat dilakukan melalui sebuah suruhanjaya.
Zaid berkata, langkah itu amat mustahak untuk memulihkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap sistem kehakiman negara apabila pelantikan hakim dapat dilakukan melalui satu proses yang lebih telus, ketat dan meyakinkan.
Muhyiddin menjelaskan, semasa mesyuarat lalu, Kabinet bersetuju pada prinsipnya perlu ada usaha dibuat untuk menyusun semula sistem kehakiman.
‘‘Bagaimana bentuk dan formatnya, ini perlu dibawa kepada Kabinet, jangan dibincang secara terbuka macam sudah ada keputusan, tidak elok begitu.
‘‘Macam sudah setuju hendak tubuhkan suruhanjaya kehakiman. Saya fikir belum ada perbincangan apa-apa lagi.
‘‘Eloklah bawa dahulu ke Kabinet, pasal ini isu besar, saya cuma komen setakat ini, nanti orang kata saya berbalah, tidak ada,’’ katanya. - utusan malaysia online
BERITADARIGUNUNG: Tahniah Muhyiddin! Budaya menteri bebas bercakap dengan media dah agak lama berlanjutan sejak Abdullah memegang tampuk pemerintahan. Tetapi masing-masing nampak suka dan berebut-rebut. Itu memang boleh jangka dah, sebab darah politik yang menggelegak mahukan publisiti. Dalam ramai-ramai ada juga yang lepas mulut, sebut pendapat peribadi, tanpa mandat atau endorsement kabinet. Pada peringkat awal, kononya kerajaan kini lebih terbuka, semua orang boleh bagi pandangan. Maka wujudlah publisiti murah untuk orang dari Jasin dan Kinabatangan. Khairy pun apatah lagi, tumpang semangkuk, menggelegak dan bergelora.
Akhirnya rakyat tidak nampak keterbukaan yang diinginkan oleh kerajaan, kerana yang jelas ialah keadaan memang tidak terkawal. Seolah-oleh bilik darjah tanpa guru atau monitor, askar tanpa jeneral, pasukan bola tanpa kapten, organisasi tanpa CEO, dan kerajaan tanpa ketuanya.
Itu salah satu punca, sebahagian rakyat percaya bahawa kerajaan adalah lemah, tanpa halatuju jelas, kepimpinan lemah. Siapa tidak bimbang memangkah parti yang terus menerus mempamirkan kelemahan. Tentu sekali keadaan ini boleh diubah. Perlu sedikit ulangkaji tentang apa itu "kepimpinan" dan "kenegaraan".
Kalau tinggal di hostel asrama penuh, zaman dulu-dulu, budak baru masuk, junior, tunjuk lagak dan cakap lepas dan tak hormat senior, memang hujung minggu siap kena belasah. Ada masanya tak sempat weekend, jam tu juga kena tenyeh!! Mana ada senior yang tahan tenguk junior tunjuk hebat!! Thats life, applicable in any situation........
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Malays Will Be Made Tools By West If Anwar Becomes PM, Says Mahathir
Describing Anwar as a "a man of many parts", he said Anwar had a glib tongue and hence could draw the attention of people from different groups and backgrounds.
"When he talks about Islam, Muslims will think he's a champion of Islam. He's also good at talking to the kampung (village) folk and also to those at temples.
"We know the west believes that Anwar will become prime minister in the near future. They can then lead him by the nose," said Dr Mahathir during a question-and-answer session after he opened the annual general meeting of Persatuan Melayu Tanjong (Penang Malays Association) here Sunday.
Someone in the audience had asked him about western media reports that Anwar would soon become Malaysia's prime minister.
"If the Malays are willing to kowtow to the foreigners, then they can choose this person (Anwar). I am sorry... he had maligned me all over the world, accusing me of arresting him and throwing him in jail," Dr Mahathir said.
Later at a press conference, he said the nomination quota system for an Umno member to contest a top party post was maintained during his party presidency to ensure that only those who qualified contested and not for personal interest.
Under the system, the party constitution's provision which stipulates that a candidate must secure nominations from at least 60 divisions in order to contest the president's post, was introduced after Dr Mahathir was challenged by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in 1987 and he (Dr Mahathir) retained the post with a majority of 43 votes.
Since then, the practice of not challenging the top party post has become a tradition.
Dr Mahathir said: "What was my interest then? I did not only win at that time but I had also won the top post uncontested many times.
"We did all that because if we didn't, some would do a Sulaiman Palestin, who had little support but contested the top post."
Dr Mahathir said when he was helming Umno, getting nominations from 60 divisions was not a problem.
He said this was proven when Anwar challenged Tun Ghafar Baba for the deputy president's post, whereby Anwar got many nominations... more than 30 percent as at that time there was no "control".
On this point, Dr Mahathir was responding to newspaper reports quoting Umno vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as saying that he as a member of the party's Constitution Committee had brought before Dr Mahathir a grassroots proposal for lifting the 30 percent requirement.
However, Dr Mahathir had asked him to leave it as it was and this, said Muhyiddin, was mainly due to the fact that Dr Mahathir was the president and that the ruling would undermine any challenge to his presidency.
Dr Mahathir explained that the quota system was maintained at that time to ensure that party elections were treated as a serious matter, therefore the candidates must be serious or qualified enough to contest to avoid wasting time as the election process took a lot of time.
Anwar Ibrahim loves publicity!!!

BERITADARIGUNUNG: Anwar loves publicity. Rahim Thamby Chik will remember how Anwar's comments splashed in most local newspapers even when Anwar was in China. And Zahid had to come back just to echo Anwar's voice.
Muhamad Taib will remember Anwar's comments when he was in Australia caught with cash in hand. Our late Ghafar remembered well as he walked down the steps while holding a plastic bag.
Keeping up with the new politics
Keeping up with the new politics
The writing on the wall is that the Chinese want their leaders to change with the times or they will put the other side in power.
IT was full house at Sin Chew Daily's postelection forum recently and the Chinese paper's executive director Rita Sim who was in the audience was riveted by how the crowd applauded each time the speakers said something critical about issues like corruption or abuse of power.
The speakers included some of the newly elected Yang Berhormat and the loudest applause were for those who until March 8 were opposition politicians.
“They were treated like folk heroes,” said Sim who is also deputy chairman of the MCA Insap think-tank.
But what struck the politician in Sim the hardest was the thought that the crowd was not the sort she had ever seen at MCA events or talks.
“I was thinking the whole time, my God, how do we reach out to this sort of crowd? We've taken this segment of society for granted, thinking that they will always opt for the tried and tested,” she admitted.
The forums were held at Sin Chew's Petaling Jaya head office as well as Penang, Ipoh, Malacca and Johor Baru. Sin Chew commands a huge middleclass readership that includes the Chinese intelligentsia and the community's movers and shakers, and it had received letters scolding the paper for not giving more coverage to parties like DAP, PKR and PAS.
Actually Sin Chew provided one of the most balanced reporting during the elections but it decided to have the forums as a way of addressing its readers' opinions. Chinese political issues will occupy centrestage in the Chinese media in the months ahead. Chinese politics has also reached a critical crossroad, especially for parties like the MCA and Gerakan.
“We give good service but we've been dealing with the symptoms, not the root causes. A classic case was Chew Mei Fun losing to Tony Pua,” said Sim. MCA's Chew, a former parliamentary secretary, was famous for her dedicated service in PJ Utara. But the DAP argued so well that Parliament is for legislators who can talk about national issues and not a “YB Longkang” that her campaign literally went down the drain.
Massive vote swing
The sentiments that led to the massive Chinese vote swing are well known by now. “The more mature generation vented their frustration against political arrogance, corruption and inefficiency in government.
The younger voters were looking at more universal aspirations like fairness, an equitable and open society, media freedom, accountability and economic issues,” said senior MCA politician Tan Sri Dr Sak Cheng Lum. Many of these sentiments are what Sim calls “postponed feelings”, accumulated over the years,
At one level, the Chinese vote was to punish Umno and as a protest against the wrongdoing they see around them. “The Chinese are not angry with the Malays but they are angry with Umno's arrogance,” she said. At another level, it was a generational shift of younger voters who do not share the historical baggage of their parents' generation.
They are not afraid of change and May 13 is a footnote in the textbook. The younger Chinese look at Taiwan and its lively democracy and which, even if disorderly at times, is slowly moving towards a civil society.
For the older Chinese, Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew is a political icon, respected for his towering intellect, clean reputation and vision.
For instance, DAP's Pua, the new MP for PJ Utara, had two things going for him. Chinese admire scholars and self-made men and Pua, an Oxford University graduate, was an IT millionaire by the time he was 35. The Star had also organised a series of election forums and Pua commanded the biggest applause when he spoke at the most recent forum.
A great deal of the soul searching among the Chinese parties has been about coming to terms with the community's expectations of their leaders.
“The key word is equal opportunity be it in education, politics or business. The demand for equal opportunity will be the driving issue in future elections as more young Chinese Malaysians come of voting age,” said DAP strategist and Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong.
Despite the limelight surrounding issues like Chinese schools, pig-rearing and scholarships, Prof James Chin of Monash University said Chinese interests are also largely national issues.
“They want fair treatment, a level playing field and they are critical of corruption. They want to see sustainable economic growth and less interference by the government in the private sector. The Chinese business sector believes that too much interference leads to inefficiency, corruption and does not encourage a level playing field. “They want their leaders to articulate a vision for not just Chinese Malaysians but all Malaysians. That's why a significant number went for PKR which, on paper at least, speaks for all Malaysians,” said Prof Chin. And it is quite clear by now that the MCA and Gerakan style of solving problems behind closed doors does not work for today's generation. “They want vocal leaders who speak out when there is injustice and in a rational and intelligent fashion. Speaking out and justifying what you do is part of being transparent,” said Chin. The Barisan Nasional's formula of consensus politics is fine except that over the years, the Chinese feel it is more about giving in to the demands of Umno.
Even Gerakan, which started off as the voice of conscience, lost its way when it allowed the politics of the day to take over. Said Penang Gerakan politician Teng Chang Yeow: “We keep asking the Chinese for full support so that they will be wellrepresented in government. But wasn't that what they gave us in 2004, total support? Now you know why they're fed-up,
“Leaders like Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and Khairy Jamaluddin must realise this. People equated their behaviour with Umno's inability to change with the times. If an Oxford-educated guy still talks like an Umno politician of 10 years ago, what hope do we have for the rest of Umno?”
The Chinese were disappointed that well-educated Malay professionals in Umno Youth, beneficiaries of the NEP, were still speaking the political language of a decade ago. It is time Malay politicians keep the keris out of politics. The message from the voters is very clear. They are prepared to put the opposing side in power. Not all the Chinese votes were strictly about protest, as evident from the nasi kandar boycott in Penang. Locals were disgusted with the demonstration against the new state government by Umno members and supporters and nasi kandar shops run by Indian Muslims have reported slow business in Chinese areas.
Even the humble chee cheong fun, a popular snack of long rolls of steamed noodles with sauce, has acquired a political connotation. A customer who asked for her noodles to be served unrolled was jokingly told that the snack should be eaten rocket style, that is, in long rolls since the DAP is now in power.
“The writing is on the wall. We cannot hesitate over reforms. I won't say the Opposition will do much better than us but they can't do worse than us,” said Dr Sak.
Facing the new reality
MCA, which experienced its own tsunamis in 1969 and again in 1980, has found less difficulty facing the new reality.
It has quickly set the dates of the party AGM and elections, and the post-mortem on the polls will start soon. Party leaders know that the grassroots want answers and direction and the party polls will enable them to have a say in the party's future so that the party can undertake changes, recover and move ahead.
Gerakan will have a tougher time with its entire leadership toppled in the polls, but Teng said: “Politics is like cycling. You keep peddaling or you fall.”
Bigger challenges lie ahead.
“Voters now know the power of their vote, that the one-man-one-vote system can make a difference. The next elections will be even more defining and challenging if we do not adapt,” said Sim.
But all this talk about change in parties like MCA and Gerakan is not going to mean very much unless Umno also changes in tune to the new politics. And that's where the biggest challenge lies.
The king and Abdullah
KUALA TERENGGANU: The rakyat and members of political parties, including from the opposition, were out in full force yesterday to welcome the Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin at the Sultan Mahmud Airport.
BERITADARIGUNUNG: 300 is 1% of 30,000. i thought a figure of 10% is customary. Some understand 10% in an off tangent meaning. Right Ibrahim Saad? Right Idris Jusoh?
BLOG UPDATES: on razaleigh hamzah
19 hours ago by Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy That is unfair and we cannot be unfair," says Tengku Razaleigh, who was the architect behind Umno's foray into the media and banking sectors. Although his views now are not often reported widely, that was not the case in the 1970s. ... Dot My Home - http://dotmyhome.blogspot.com/ [ More results from Dot My Home ] |
19 hours ago by Zabidi Bin Morad Sepanjang enam bulan akan datang ini setiap gerak langkah bekas Menteri Kewangan, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah tentunya mencuri perhatian setelah beliau mengumumkan hasrat untuk berentap jawatan Presiden UMNO. ... "BERANI KERANA BENAR!" - http://zabidi-morad.blogspot.com/ |
23 hours ago by Iklan Percuma
Tengku Razaleigh lebih layak pimpin UMNO. Ahli UMNO di minta sokong Ku Li dari Pak Lah yang lembab dan di kudakan olih menantu nya. Ahli UMNO dah meluat dengan gelagat Pak Lah. ****** RHB Investment Bank masih guna CTOS untuk ...
Iklan Percuma Malaysia - http://iklanpercumamalaysia.blogspot.com/
[ More results from Iklan Percuma Malaysia ]
Opposition to bid for Deputy Speaker’s post
Opposition to bid for Deputy Speaker’s post
PETALING JAYA: With 82 seats under their control, the Opposition parties want to set a precedent in the Dewan Rakyat by proposing one of their MPs for the post of Deputy Speaker.
Outgoing Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang said he had written to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on March 25 asking for a consensus on the matter. The Speaker and the two deputies were usually elected by MPs.
He said in return, the Opposition could agree to a consensus on the Speaker and the other deputy.....
There are now 140 Barisan MPs to 82 Opposition MPs in the Dewan Rakyat.PKR won 31 seats, DAP 28 and PAS 23. Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin will open the joint session of the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara on April 29.
BERITADARIGUNUNG: The recent episode in perlis and terengganu is pointing to this fact. When leadership is failing, the king will chip in.
Apology proposal not to embarass anyone, says Zaid
Apology proposal not to embarass anyone, says Zaid
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said today his proposal for the Federal Government to apologise to those victimised in the 1988 judicial crisis “should not be construed as an attempt to embarass anyone or even to undo former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s legacy”.
BERITADARIGUNUNG: zaid, dont make it a habit to announce something if the stage is "a proposal to the government". Zaid, publicity is not everything.
Terengganu MB to choose exco fairly
Terengganu MB to choose exco fairly
KUALA TERENGGANU: Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said, who will be sworn in today, will choose his new state exco line-up based on the expertise of the candidates.
A close aide to Ahmad said the mentri besar would not let “emotions get in the way” in his selection of the 10-member exco.
He gave an assurance that Ahmad, who was chosen by the palace for the post, would not be vindictive and penalise those who had opposed him.
It is learnt that several exco members, who had served under former Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, will likely be retained.
Those tipped to be retained include Ajil assemblyman Datuk Rosol Wahid, Cukai assemblyman Datuk Mohamed Awang Tera and Bandar assemblyman Toh Chin Yaw, who is the MCA's sole representative.
The aide said an earlier plan to appoint a deputy Mentri Besar was scrapped due to “technicalities.”
“The leadership was not in support of the idea and we do not want to set a precedent,” he added.
On whether Idris would be given an exco portfolio, the aide said this was unlikely.
“Even if we offered him (Idris), there is strong possibility that he would reject it as he had served as Mentri Besar,” he added.
Ahmad had earlier said he would consult Idris on the exco line-up.
On the distribution of exco positions, the aide believed it would be distributed evenly so that constituents in each of the seven districts would be represented adequately at the state government.BERITADARIGUNUNG: i cant agree with you more ahmad said.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
JOCELINE TAN: There’s no real winner here
The crisis in Terengganu ended with Datuk Ahmad Said being named as the new Mentri Besar but the outcome sets a disturbing precedent for Constitutional practices.
GROWN men do cry and tears flowed among the Terengganu assemblymen when told that the Umno supreme council had decided to endorse the palace’s preference of Mentri Besar.
The incumbent and their own preferred choice, Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh, was out and, Datuk Ahmad Said, the man whom they had so strenuously objected to, was in.
The tears sprung from a mixture of frustration over the situation, empathy for Idris and, for several of the assemblymen, the sense that they had been misled.
It was like the dam of pent-up feelings had finally burst. Idris was, surprisingly, the most composed as he hugged each of the 22 assemblymen who had stood so loyally by him throughout the Terengganu crisis.
The impasse between the palace and Umno had dragged on for too long and the supreme council decision on Thursday night was a case of political expediency.
Umno and Idris had the Constitution on their side but Ahmad had royalty behind him.
The Prime Minister did not want the crisis to lead to a snap state election.
The party is at its weakest in years and could not risk a re-election in Terengganu.
An earlier notion to seek legal recourse was quickly abandoned because that would have been “un-Malay” and, besides, Umno is a pro-royalist party at heart.
Moreover, an SMS campaign had begun insinuating that Umno was going against the monarchy over the issue.
Umno’s attempt to propose an alternative candidate was also not feasible to the palace. As such the party’s acceptance of Ahmad was the best solution under the circumstances.
Supreme council member Datuk Dr Latiff Ahmad, who is also Deputy Health Minister, said it was like deciding whether to treat the epidemic or the disease.
“Pitting Umno against the monarchy would have led to an epidemic and the patient who might have died would have been Umno. On the other hand, trying to reinstate Idris as MB would be encouraging the disease. What I’m trying to say is that it is easier to treat the disease than an epidemic,” said Latiff.
Idris has been through three weeks of public humiliation and torture.
“He does not deserve this sort of treatment. He has been cut up in a very public way,” said a close associate.
Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi met the Terengganu assemblymen after the supreme council meeting to explain the decision.
Idris looked numbed, even stoic, in the emotion-charged atmosphere of the meeting. Almost all the assemblymen spoke, some to ask for clarification, others to voice their unhappiness.
Some were incredulous that Ahmad had been confirmed as the Mentri Besar because they had been naïvely hopeful till the final hour.
A few found it a bitter pill to swallow, that the rebel who had defied the party was being rewarded while the party loyalist was out in the cold.
When Abdullah turned to Idris for his comment, Idris merely said he was a party man and that he accepted the decision.
By Friday morning, the ex-mentri besar was back in his hometown of Besut while the new Mentri Besar was on his way back from Kuala Lumpur.
The Sultan is due back this morning to attend an equestrian event and supporters are planning a grand show of support for him at the airport.
But it will be a while more before things return to normal.
Some have summed up the outcome with the Malay proverb, kalah jadi abu, menang jadi arang (ashes if you lose, charcoal if you win).
There are no real winners here especially given that the outcome has set a disturbing precedent in Constitutional practices.
The pragmatist say that Ahmad may not be the ideal choice, but that he has throughout the fiasco continued to pledge loyalty to the party even as he went against the party line.
“We have nothing personal against him. He has been endorsed by Umno’s top decision-making body and abided by the PM’s instruction,” said one assemblyman.
Ahmad has also been under pressure because it could not have been easy standing up against the party president and his own colleagues.
The stress showed clearly the day after the palace named him as the Mentri Besar. As he spoke before a gathering of supporters, the facial tic on the left side of his face was more pronounced than usual.
The Kijal assemblyman is what is known as a kampung politician, a rough diamond that will need a lot of polishing. But he has no airs and is well liked by his constituents in Kijal.
He was a protégé of former mentri besar Tan Sri Wan Mokhtar Wan Ahmad and is not exactly without administrative experience; having been an assistant district officer and served two terms as a state exco member.
His biggest problem is his hot-headedness. He has been known to challenge PAS assemblymen at state legislative assembly sittings, to step out for a confrontation.
Reporters have quickly learnt that he gets very defensive when posed with difficult questions.
He will be a stark contrast to the urbane and polished Idris.
Everyone will also be watching how Ahmad sets up his new government.
He is in a strange position. He does not enjoy the goodwill of the Umno leadership but he has royal backing. His fellow assemblymen are suspicious of him but he has the support of most of the eight Umno division heads who essentially form the political power base.
Will he be able to work with all the assemblymen who had opposed him and will he take Terengganu forward or backward?
The impasse between the palace and Umno may have ended but the problem is not quite over.
BERITADARIGUNUNG: For leisure only.
Place of birth: johor bahru
Bachelor's degree from the University of Malaya
Master's degree from the University of Sussex
1969: expelled from the party in the wake of the may 13.
74-78 : Deputy Minister of Trade & Industry, Minister of Primary Industries
78-81: Minister of Education
1978: UMNO Vice-President
1990 to 1991: He was Malaysia's Special Envoy to the United nation
1993 to 1998: Tan Sri Musa also led the Malaysian delegation to the UN Commission on Human Rights
1995: He has been the Prime Minister's Special Envoy to the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group
1999 to 2002: He also served as the Chairman of Suhakam, the Malaysian Human Rights Commission
2006: He was conferred with Tunship, Malaysian highest federal award by the King of Malaysia
2007: Musa became the chairman of Synergy Drive Berhad, the entity which arose out of the newly formed merger between Sime Darby, Guthrie, and Golden Hope.
Colour blind: idris's fall?
Monsoon Cup: the fall of Idris?
What is the Monsoon Cup?
Monsoon Cup was first initiated by the Malaysian Prime Minister, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi during his fishing trip in Terengganu with the state Chief Minister Dato Seri Idris Jusoh and state EXCO Dato' Wan Hisham. The Prime Minister thought the monsoon season should be used as an advantage to the state and her people rather than being seen as a hurdle.(Monsoon season last a few months a year in Terengganu mainly between November and January where the fisherman cant go out fishing due to strong waves.)This idea was then brought forward by the state government where later Dato Wan Hisham became the main organiser under T-Best Event which is a company owned by the state to run the event annually.
The Monsoon Cup 2005 celebrated its inauguration and debut as the 50th official event of the Swedish Match Tour (http://www.swedishmatchtour.com/), and serves as the Malaysian leg for the prestigious international sailing event. Dubbed �The Formula One of Sailing�, this professional sailing series was formed in 2000 to unite the world�s best match-race regattas under one banner. The Swedish Match Tour comprises nine events in nine specially selected locations around the world. As the leading professional sailing series in the world, the Tour events are recognized as must-attend regattas on the match-race circuit. The Monsoon Cup 2005 was held at Pulau Duyong, Terengganu, from 29 November to 4 December 2005. The Monsoon Cup for the 2006 now offers the highest prize money in the world (RM1 million) for a match racing event with the sponsorship of Mr Richard Mille of Richard Mille Watches. Richard Mille will also be the official time keeper for the event. The Monsoon Cup 2007 will be held at Pulau Duyong, Terengganu, from the 28 November to 2 December 2006.
Please refer to:-
Monsoon Cup - No windfall for locals |
Muda Mohd Nor | Sep 27, 06 6:12pm malaysiakini |
The Monsoon Cup failed to bring any substantial economic winds of change for the inhabitants of the two Pulau Duyong islands in Terengganu. |
Monsoon Cup draws the big names
New Straits Times
Edition: New Sunday Times
The Monsoon Cup will see reigning two- time ISAF
women's world match-racing champion, several America's Cup sailors and international film stars rub shoulders here from Nov 29 to Dec 4. While Hong Kong superstar Jackie Chan and Malaysia's "Bond Girl" Datuk Michelle Yeoh are just expected to catch the breeze here, it will be tough competition for the others at the Monsoon Cup, which is part of the famous Swedish Match Tour series. Women's world champion Sally Barkow will be battling a fleet of America's Cup class sailors, such as New Zealanders Dean Barker .
please refer to:-
Monsoon Cup photo gallery by jason Chue
please refer to:-
Malaysia. Last minute preparations but everything ready for Monsoon Cup
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
The paint is still drying and with the bitumen driveway completed this morning, the stage is know set for the 2nd Monsoon Cup and Event 6 on the 2006-’07 World Tour to begin. The marina has been extended, two new buildings have been constructed were the marquee's were last year to house the enormous media corps that this event attracts and display the sponsors products and the all important food and beverage outlets to feed everyone.The megayachts of Al khaliq and Asean Lady have arrived to spectate and even event organiser Dato Patrick Lim is a hands on type of guy that was seen helping to put the finishing touches inside the building. One thing for sure is that the event will live up to its name - the NE Monsoon has arrived and intermittent storms, flat calms and variable winds have all been experienced at some time throughout the day.
please refer to:-http://www.bymnews.com/news/newsDetails.php?id=868
BERITADARIGUNUNG: Monsoon Cup got nothing to do with Idris's fall.
Ruhanie: Azalina, kuda dan air mata buaya
Dalam sehari dua ini, sesiapa sahaja antara kita yang ketemu dengan Menteri Pelancongan, Azalina Othman Said, harap minta dia ceritakan semula kisah penglipur laranya berjodol “naik kuda turun kuda.” Tanya juga kepadanya, sama ada dia menyaksikan babak-babak seorang tua mencucurkan air mata buaya kerana kononnya si tua itu sedang dilanda duka nestapa............
DAULAT TUANKU, DAULAT TUANKU, DAULAT TUANKU!!! – Ruhanie Ahmad http://kuda-kepang.blogspot.com/
BERITADARIGUNUNG: Azalina hanya cakap perkara yang suka di dengar oleh Pak Lah dan Idris. Azalina masih "budak". Azalina belum biasa dibelasah, sebab selalu menang tanpa bertanding. Dalam hal ini masih ada lagi yang bertanya, kenapa ramai sangat menteri pusat dari negeri Johor. Apa salahnya orang Johor bagitau Pak Lah, beri sikit sudah lah, banyak dah ni. Tak payah la orang Sabah dan Pahang tunjuk jalan erti "berhemah". Ghafur, adik Musa, Tengku Azlan sudah lebih dari menyindir.
Persepsi Halim PAS terhadap Ahmad Said.
Abdul Halim Mohd Rashid Fri | Mar 28, 08 | 6:26:28 am MYT Harakah. | |
KUALA LUMPUR, 28 Mac (Hrkh) - Walaupun Perdana Menteri yang dituntut berundur, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menyatakan tindakan beliau menerima Adun Kijal, Datuk Ahmad Said sebagai Menteri Besar Terengganu bukan soal menjatuhkan air mukanya, tetapi Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) dipercayai sedang digunakan untuk "mengajar" Ahmad. Abdullah sebelum ini berkeras mahu Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh menjadi Menteri Besar. BPR mengesahkan bahawa pihaknya telah membuka fail siasatan berhubung dakwaan wujud cubaan pihak tertentu untuk 'membeli' sokongan politik di Terengganu selepas Pilihan Raya Umum 8 Mac lalu. Semalam, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah BPR, Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed dilaporkan berkata, sehingga kini laporan yang diterima tidak membabitkan negeri-negeri lain dan hanya di Terengganu sahaja. BERITADARIGUNUNG: Kalau betul Pak Lah ingin jatuhkan Ahmad Said dengan cara begitu, Pak Lah akan sengsara. Ada perkara sensitif yang tidak lagi boleh jadi mainan. Pak Lah amat faham. Kalau beliau masih tidak faham, Pak Lah akan terima kepahitan. |
Apa kata salahuddin ayub tentang UMNO
Salahuddin Ayub Fri | Mar 28, 08 | 4:54:24 pm MYT Harakah. | |
DEWAN Pemuda PAS Pusat (DPP Pusat) tertarik dengan pendekatan politik terdesak Umno yang akhirnya terpaksa tunduk dengan kehendak Sultan Terengganu selepas penat 'bersilat' menderhakai istana Terengganu itu. Keputusan yang diambil oleh MT Umno semalam dipercayai selepas mempertimbangkan kemungkinan Umno/BN akan kehilangan kuasa di Terengganu dan krisis politik dengan Istana Negara di peringkat Pusat. Perdana Menteri menuduh tindakan sultan 'tidak mengikut Perlembagaan', manakala Peguam Negara cuba digunakan untuk 'mengajar' Sultan Terengganu. Apapun, Umno telah menjilat najisnya sendiri yang sebelum bertegas mahu menolak Ahmad Said sehingga mencemarkan nama baik istana Kerana bimbangkan kehilangan kuasa tersebut, Umno terpaksa menjilat najisnya sendiri yang selama ini cuba dicampakkan ke muka Tuanku Sultan Terengganu. Umno semenjak kemenangan pilihan raya pada 8 Mac 2008 telah bersikap kurang ajar, biadap dan derhaka terhadap Sultan Terengganu apabila menamakan Idris Jusoh sebagai Menteri Besar walaupun istana telah memberi isyarat untuk tidak menerimanya. Apabila istana menamakan Dato' Ahmad Said sebagai Menteri Besar, para pemimpin Umno dari Pusat dan negeri terus-menerus menyerang tindakan sultan, sehingga ada yang mengeluarkan ugutan. Perdana Menteri menuduh tindakan sultan 'tidak mengikut Perlembagaan', manakala Peguam Negara cuba digunakan untuk 'mengajar' Sultan Terengganu. Setiausaha Agung dan Presiden Umno pula mengancam untuk memecat Ahmad Said, manakala Umno Terengganu sudah memecatnya. Lebih biadap lagi apabila para pemimpin Umno yang menolak pilihan sultan mahu mengenakan undi tidak percaya terhadap Ahmad Said, selain mengugut untuk meletakkan jawatan. Tindakan MT Umno semalam untuk mengiktiraf Ahmad Said memang akan menyelesaikan kemelut politik di Terengganu, tetapi ia tidak akan dapat menyembuh luka di hati Sultan dan rakyat Terengganu seluruhnya. Selepas dua minggu melancarkan serangan ke atas istana Terengganu dan pengikut-pengikut mereka mula biadap dengan menggelarkan Sultan Terengganu sebagai 'natang' (binatang), akhirnya Setiausaha Umno Terengganu mengakui bahawa semua tindakan biadap dan derhaka mereka ini adalah atas arahan Presiden Umno, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Selepas dua minggu melancarkan serangan ke atas istana Terengganu dan pengikut-pengikut mereka mula biadap dengan menggelarkan Sultan Terengganu sebagai 'natang' (binatang), akhirnya Setiausaha Umno Terengganu mengakui bahawa semua tindakan biadap dan derhaka mereka ini adalah atas arahan Presiden Umno, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Abdullah sebagai Presiden Umno dan ketua kerajaan telah melakukan satu tindakan yang amat memalukan bagi rakyat negara ini kerana mengarah satu perbuatan biadap terhadap Sultan Terengganu yang juga Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Bagi DPP Pusat, tindakan MT Umno semalam untuk mengiktiraf Ahmad Said memang akan menyelesaikan kemelut politik di Terengganu, tetapi ia tidak akan dapat menyembuh luka di hati Sultan dan rakyat Terengganu seluruhnya. Tidak pernah dalam sejarah orang Melayu bersikap begitu biadap terhadap sultan sedangkan baginda bertindak demikian untuk membela keadilan bagi pihak rakyat. Kita biasa mendengar raja-raja ditentang kerana kezaliman mereka, tetapi hari ini raja yang adil cuba diderhakai oleh pemimpin zalim BN. Akhirnya, hukum karma menimpa Umno apabila terpaksa mengalah di atas kezaliman mereka dan tunduk kepada kemahuan sultan. Apapun, Umno telah menjilat najisnya sendiri yang sebelum bertegas mahu menolak Ahmad Said sehingga mencemarkan nama baik istana. Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS BERITADARIGUNUNG: Terima Ahmad Said, Umno jilat najis sendiri, kata-kata itu sangat berat untuk UMNO. Tuduhan itu pada pandangan saya ialah untuk Pak Lah, Idris dan 22 ADUN Terengganu, dan beberapa pemimpin yang lain. Mereka bukan cermin kepada UMNO. Mereka adalah cermin kepada diri mereka sendiri. Mereka bukan lagi suara UMNO. UMNO masih segar dan tidak akan jilat najis sendiri. Kalau beberapa ahli UMNO ingin menjilatnya, biarkan mereka. Tiada guna menghalang.. |
BLOG UPDATES: on Abdullah Badawi
8 hours ago by PBR ... beside Sekolah Pd tembak (formerly belongs to poor people of their houses being demolished) is now converted into individual property with the owner named KHAIRY JAMALUDDIN, son-in-law of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi. ... .............Parti_Barisan_Rakyat._(PBR).......... - http://partibarisanrakyat.blogspot.com/ |
10 hours ago by Mohd Kamal Abdullah It is been reported that the UMNO Supreme Council Metting concluded yesterday also resolved that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would be meeting with all the elected Barisan Nasional representatives in Sabah in wave ... Kamal-talks - http://kamal-talksmalaysia.blogspot.com/ |
10 hours ago by malaysianpolitics Indeed, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi IS on borrowed time, as Nuraini Samad wrote in her blog. And this borrowed time doesn’t look like it can be renewed any longer. He’s walking on thin wire, this old man who likes calling himself Pak Lah. ... I Am Malaysian - http://malaysianpolitics.wordpress.com |
10 hours ago by kazu SEPANG: The appointment of anyone but Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh as Terengganu Mentri Besar is unconstitutional, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. “Most of the state assemblymen support Datuk Seri Idris. ... Journey Of Life - http://bungapi.blogspot.com/ |
10 hours ago by cai Deputy Ministers Datuk Anifah Aman and Datuk Ghapur Salleh, who are indigenous leaders of Sabah, have resigned from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s cabinet. It is learnt that the duo were unable to meet some the PM’s ... malaysiana1 - http://malaysiana1.blogspot.com/ [ More results from malaysiana1 ] |
10 hours ago by lesterchan
Contracts were allegedly given to one person and that this person, a well known Malaysian business tycoon, is said to have close links with members of Abdullah’s family. It was also alleged that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had ...
Sources of Life - http://lesterchan.wordpress.com
Ahmad Said, the new MB.
Ahmad Said To Be Sworn In As Terengganu MB On Sunday
KEMAMAN, March 28 (Bernama) -- The State Assemblyman for Kijal, Datuk Ahmad Said, who received the consent of the Umno Supreme Council (MT) to be appointed as the Terengganu Menteri Besar, will take his oath of office at Istana Maziah, Kuala Terengganu on Sunday.
Ahmad, who was met at his mother's house at Telok Kalong, Kijal, here late this evening, said that he would be sworn in at 9am.
Penang Govt Awaits ACA Report On Dubious Land Deals
Penang Govt Awaits ACA Report On Dubious Land Deals
PENANG, March 28 (Bernama) -- The Penang government is awaiting the Anti-Corruption Agency's (ACA) written report on the dubious land deals in the state to assist its own investigations into the matter, Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said Friday.
Lim said Penang ACA director Nooraziah Abdul Manap had briefed him this morning about the agency's investigation into the case, but he was not satisfied with it.
Towards this end, he said, a special panel headed by Deputy Chief Minister Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin would begin its investigations next week to determine the type of action that could be taken.
Speaking at a news conference at his office, Lim said, the briefing by the ACA director had given the state government a much clearer picture about the case, which had been investigated by the ACA from 2003.
"The ACA completed its investigations two years ago and we are now awaiting the official report. From the information received, there were many people involved. Let's wait for the findings," he said without elaborating.
Lim said further investigations by the state government was necessary not because it was not satisfied with the ACA, but rather, with the findings.
The state government, he said, wanted a more concrete action to be taken to ensure such improprieties, which he said had caused huge losses to the state, would not recur.
Meanwhile, Lim would meet Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdulah Ahmad Badawi in Putrajaya at 10am on Thursday to discuss state-federal relations.
Lim said he wanted ties between both governments to continue even though there were changes in the state government's leadership.
At the meeting, he said, he would request that projects planned by the federal government in Penang, be continued so long as they benefited the people.
"At the same time, I will also request that allocations under the Ninth Malaysia Plan for the state, be continued. I've received feedback that the allocation for certain agencies under the plan had been reduced by 50 per cent last year.
"I will appeal for the reinstatement of the amount so that projects they are meant for, could be implemented as planned. This is also important to attract investments into the state," he said.
Lim said the state government was also agreeable to the infrastructure projects planned under the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), including the monorail project.
"The monorail is among projects proposed by the federal government and if it benefits to people and does not burden them, we are of the views that it should continue," he said.
On the statement by Petronas vice-president (corporate planning and development division) Datuk Nasarudin Md Idris that the national oil corporation was not into funding infrastructure projects, Lim said, the statement was not entirely true.
He pointed out that through various subsidiaries and investments, Petronas had been funding several major projects in Malaysia.
He said KLCC Property Holdings Bhd, which is 51 per cent owned by Petronas, was involved in major projects including the Petronas Twin Towers, Maxis Tower, ExxonMobil Tower, Suria KLCC and the five-star Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.
Petronas is also the main financier of the Putrajaya project, he said.
Nasarudin was commenting on Lim's suggestion that Petronas should fund the construction of RM2 billion Penang Second Bridge project.